Fantasy Armies & Warbands

Sci Fi Toy Soldiers

Zombie Toy Soldiers

Friday, May 1, 2015

SCS DIRECT: Big Bucket of Monsters

I just found this new set of 13 plastic figures from SCS Direct on Amazon.  They are about 50-54mm and come in light and dark gray.  There are 11 monster figures and 2 graves.  The demons and cyclops are the best fantasy figures, but they all have some charm. The running mummy is very strange.  I think of mummies as lurching, staggering things.  It is a strange mix.  The vampire, mummy, werewolf, lagoon creature and Frankenstein's monster are clearly a nod to the classic Universal Studios monsters of the black and white film era.  The giant moth is not really even actual moth size.  It does not really work as a counterpart to the Godzilla figure.

This is the same company that put out the Big Bucket of Zombies.  I love that they put out such big series.  You don't see series of 10+ figures sold all together very often these days.  This set comes in the same kind of plastic tube as the Big Bucket of Zombies, which does not hold up very well.  I would like to see this company take a shot at a real fantasy set.

I have recently learned that SCS is working on a fantasy set.  My friend Joseph Svec emailed the company to complement them on the monsters set.  Someone at the company wrote back to him and said they were already working on a fantasy set.  I can't wait. 

Joseph recently heard that the fantasy set will be ready next Spring.


  1. These are wonderful! I LOVE the little Godzilla!

  2. I can't find these on Amazon. Can you share a link?

  3. Hope these become available again soon!

  4. Great looking figures, I definately want to get hold of a tub of these, And i would love to see a Fantasy set of figures from this company to.

  5. Great set. It's cool to see them close up because I couldn't make out the details on Amazon. I didn't pull the trigger on them because I had been making a bunch of other purchases and didn't think they'd sell out. Oh well. I'm sure I'll pick them up if they come back.

    And yes, I would love to see a fantasy set!

  6. Wow i love these New Monster figures and so do my friends, We'll all be buying a tub of these when they next become available. Also a set of Fantasy figures from this company would be Great, Cant wait for that also.

  7. These Monster figures are Really Neat, Love the Demon and Cyclops, Would like very much to see a Fantasy set.

  8. Really Great figures, As soon as they become available again i want some, And YES i would Love to see a Fantasy set with perhaps Orcs,Goblins,Skeletons,Demons,Warriors ETC.
    John from England

  9. Orcs are a necessity. We desperately need an Orc army to fight our Knights and Skeletons and to enable us to successfully play D&D in 54mm. Please make an Orc tube as SOON as possible!

  10. Great news about an upcoming Fantasy set from this company, I cant wait to see what figures they come up with. Its Brilliant to see that at last Fantasy figures are coming out from different companys and in large numbers in recent times, But what with Lord Of The Rings, The Hobbit, And Game Of Thrones, Fantasy is big news and long may it continue.

  11. Can anyone hook me up? I'd rather not wait until they redistribute them.

  12. I think they are available on their website now.

    1. Looks like you are right.

  13. Back up on Amazon!

  14. I ordered a tube/bucket of these from SCS Direct to go along with the "Dragonriders of the Styx" guys.

    In my opinion, this tube of monsters is one of the best fantasy "plastic toy soldier" type sets to have appeared since the days of the DFC sets in the 1980s, thanks to the excellent variety - werewolves, vampires, mummies, devils, fish-men (I like to think of them as HP Lovecraft's Deep Ones), cyclopses, giant spiders, even Frankenstein monsters and Godzillas (which should make great lizard-people types) - a couple of the figures arrived with broken/missing arms, but this is still one of the best fantasy sets to appear in a long time. Fantastic stuff!

    For those who (like me) wonder about this stuff, the scale is about 51-54mm - a nice match for the DFC guys (my arbitrary standard for fantasy toy soldiers). The tube I got seems to have averaged about 4 figures each in two colors for the 13 poses - the exceptions were the winged devils (5 of each color), and the werewolves, Frankensteins, and Godzillas (3 of each color). The sculpts are a bit cartoonish compared to the DFC guys, but most of them have a lot of great character and I especially like the gill-men and werewolves, though the vampires, Frankensteins, Godzillas, and devils are fine sculpts as well.

  15. Any update on the fantasy set? Was it ever released?

    1. A friend recently told me that he contacted SCS and was told that three new sets, including the fantasy set, will be out in time for Christmas. I have contacted them myself a couple of time and have been told that the fantasy set would be available soon. So, I don't really know. They keep saying that it is on the way, but still no sign. Maybe I guess.
