Fantasy Armies & Warbands

Sci Fi Toy Soldiers

Zombie Toy Soldiers

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Beleriand Toy Soldiers: J. R.R. Tolkien's Children of Hurin.

Beleriand Toy Soldiers of Russia has released a super high quality series of 60mm figure sets based on J.R.R. Tolkien's Children of Hurin.  They are among the best figures ever to come out of Russia.  They are very expensive ($10-$15 each fig).  Sadly, they are made of a very soft material that can distort under pressure.  That makes storage a little complicated.  

Set #1 Children of Hurin.

Set #2 Orcs.

Set #3 Donath

Set # 3.1 Donath

Set #4 Nargothrond 

Set #5 Dorlomin

Stock photo.

Set 5.1  Dorlomin.

Stock photo. 

Set #6  Beren & Luthien 

Stock photo. 

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