Fantasy Armies & Warbands

Sci Fi Toy Soldiers

Zombie Toy Soldiers

Army of Barbarians

I am using barbarian as a generic term for any male fantasy warrior that is not a knight or viking.  The one exception I am making is for Tehnolog's older muscle bound vikings which make perfect Cimmerian brothers for Conan.   



  1. Love your army of Barbarians Shaun,They look capable of taking on any monsters you can throw at them. Really like the figures on the second rock from the right, I'd really like to own them but ive never seen them to buy. Its a shame theres never been a plastic Conan figure in 1/32 scale, That would be Very cool.

    1. Thanks again Darren. I am a little surprised that you have not found the two figures at the bottom on the second rock from the right. I picked those guys up in 2012 on a family vacation in Ireland. I found them in a store that sold everything for 2 euros. I have never seen the figures on ebay or in stores in the USA (I see the dragons all the time), but I just assumed that they were available cheap in the UK. I trust you would have found them if that were the case. They are cool figures, but I think the guy with the mace might be gay. Who goes to war in purple underwear, a little purple mini cape and silver kneepads? Someone who wants to look fabulous, that's who. I am open minded enough to let a gay barbarian into my army. How do you say no to guy with a mace? I think I'll call him Alexander.

  2. Hi Shaun my middle name is Alexander so perhaps you can call him another name mate Lol.
    Yeah i think these Lontic figures look really cool and i dont care what colours they wear but as yet ive never seen them up for sale, But i'd love to get them. Whos the guy on the same rock with the sheep? The figure looks Great and i havent seen him before but what on earth is the sheep about?
    By the way just another couple of suggestions for your Armies and Warbands: Perhaps an Egyptian themed army? And perhaps an army of random Monsters that dont necessarily fit into any particular group? Just a couple of ideas for you. Look forward to seeing what else you come up with.

    1. Ok, not Alexander. The guy with the sheep is one of a series of figures produced for and sold in Mormon religious stores. I don't remember his name, but he plays some role in Mormon history. Good ideas for warbands. The next few that I have planned are lizardmen, werewolves, birdmen, sea creatures, and bugmen.

  3. Ok thanks for the information, Glad you like my ideas and i will keep checking back to see your next Warbands and Armies.

  4. Just out of interest, Ive noticed that there are no Mattel He-Man figures in this Barbarian army, Any reason why not or did you forget?

    1. Just a judgment call. In my opinion, too many of the He-Man figures have some kind of obvious technology to their look. He-Man himself would fit in well enough. I used Skeletor in my army of the dead, and I regret not including Teela in army of amazons. Do real generals have theses issues when they build armies?

  5. Great collection of figures there. The ones with removable weapons and shields (red,green,blue, and yellow) is there anything you can tell me about them (makes? year? link to buy?) as I had those as a kid and had forgotten all about them. Now I must own them again. Thanks for any info and the trip down memory lane!


    1. Those guys are Golden Heroes made my Marty Toy in 1983. I have a detailed post about them. Look under the Marty Toy label.
