Saturday, March 22, 2025

Lakeshore Royal Kingdom Adventure Castle

This castle playset comes with three inch figures that are like a poor man's Papo/Schielch.  

Photo from an ebay auction.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

3D Printed Random Figures

3D printing is almost certainly the future for high end figures of all types.  It is still fairly expensive to print the figures compared to mass production, but that may change in the coming years.  Below are the first 3D printed figures I purchased off of ebay.  The are a random assortment of super cool poses.  These are in 54mm scale.  It would be easy to spend a fortune on these figures.  I intend to be very particular about the ones I buy going forward.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Biplant: Elves and Dragonriders.

Biplant is the corporate successor to Oritet.  They recently released these sets of elves with dragonriders including three colors of dragons.   They are about 60mm.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Back from the Dead!

Photo stolen from a demon.

Hello you wonderful people, monsters and other dungeon crawlers.  I am back from my long absence. 

Around three years ago, I was diagnosed with life changing health issues.  Issues for which medical science has no effective treatments.  So, my priorities changed and I went on a personal journey of exploration to find alternative treatments and solutions.  My path turned a bit dark and eventually drew the attention of law enforcement resulting in a host of criminal charges.  My trial was an absolute circus with the prosecution recklessly tossing around terms like "atrocity" and "ritual sacrifice."  I fought the good fight in court but the deck was stacked against me.  The final result was my sad, and untimely, execution by the State.

Fortunately, my younger brother has a real talent for unspeakable acts of necromancy.  This past solstice he pulled me back from my convalescence in the grave.  Sure, I had to give him back his soul and his spell makes me cluck like a chicken whenever he says the word "burrito," but that is a small price to pay for a new lease on life.  I do mean lease as I must pay the rent every equinox and solstice from now on and eat a very restricted diet, if you know what I mean.  At least I was able to get a lot of work done while in the dirt and I will now be able to get back to regular weekly posts for the next several months.  I have a lot of new figures to catch up with.  I hope you will all enjoy. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Beleriand Toy Soldiers: J. R.R. Tolkien's Children of Hurin.

Beleriand Toy Soldiers of Russia has released a super high quality series of 60mm figure sets based on J.R.R. Tolkien's Children of Hurin.  They are among the best figures ever to come out of Russia.  They are very expensive ($10-$15 each fig).  Sadly, they are made of a very soft material that can distort under pressure.  That makes storage a little complicated.  

Set #1 Children of Hurin.

Set #2 Orcs.

Set #3 Donath

Set # 3.1 Donath

Set #4 Nargothrond 

Set #5 Dorlomin

Stock photo.

Set 5.1  Dorlomin.

Stock photo. 

Set #6  Beren & Luthien 

Stock photo. 



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