Thursday, May 11, 2023

SAFARI: Heroes & Monsters

Safari has released a new set of six 60+mm figures called Heroes & Monsters

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Bad Girl from Russia

One last figure from Russia.  This is a 60mm evil queen/vampire/witch.  I am not sure when or by whom she was made.  What ever you want ot call her, she has bad girl written all over her.    

I am going to miss Russian made figures. 

Monday, February 6, 2023

Russian Amazons.

These are the last of the Russian made figures I was able to buy off of ebay before the war started and all the Russian sellers got kicked off.  A few Russian sellers are back on ebay but they are listed as operating out of Albania.  Imagine that.  

Some of the figures are made to be classic greek style Amazons and others are just female Viking style warriors. 

Publius classic Amazons. 

Viking Women

Scale Shots.

Publuis female gladiators.  

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Dollar General Witch Characters

Dollar General has released  another new set of figures for Halloween this year.  The new set is called Witch Characters and has traditional pointy hat witchs in eight poses.  These are not as cool as the skeletons or the mummy army, but the are much better than last year's so called Ghost Pirates which were really just lame pirates with nothing ghostly about them.  These girls are made in the same scale as the other sets (42mm - 50mm).  They seem to be flying off the shelves.  Get them while you can.  

I think the one the with the star wand was moleled after a woman I dated in the 1990s.   



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