Sunday, April 7, 2019

WARHANSA: Fantasy Series

UPDATE 2/9/25:  Several new sets and individual figures added.

UPDATE 10/12/19: New Anti Paladin and sets of 5 Goatmen and Dwarves.

UPDATE 4/7/19:  Even morehansa from Warhansa!  They just released 60mm Conan and Zena figures.   Copyrights?  What Copyrights?  There is also a cool new evil priest and sacrifice. 

UPDATE 2/25/18:  Morehansa from Warhansa!  They have relased new 5 figure sets of 54mm Asterix the Gaul and post apocalyptic weirdos along with a 4 figure set of 60mm ninjas.  There is also a new bad ass 65mm orc gladiator, and  a 28mm scale troll that works as a goblin in toy soldier scale. 

Original Post:

Warhansa is a small company that makes truly outstanding figures. They recently made their first 1/32 scale (60mm) fantasy figures, and I hope they make more.  These guys are a barbarian warrior and some kind of non-human assassin.  The detail is excellent. The smaller blue guy is called the Night King and is intended as a very large figure in 28mm scale. He is about 54mm. The figures are made in small batches, so they are kind of expensive, but the quality makes them worth the price.

I asked them to describe their company and this is what they wrote back:  

We are an international team united by passion to toy soldiers. We have been dreaming of making our own minis since childhood. We started our project 3 years ago. Production is based in Russia. We make miniatures according to our taste in relatively small quantities and gladly share them with fellow hobbyists.  

You can check them out here Warhansa.


  1. Very Nice and Cool figures. Russia seems to be a hotbed of all sorts of figures over the last few years and I Hope it continues. Yeah I also Hope this company has more exciting Fantasy figures up its sleeve. I will definately be buying these soon.

    1. I agree about Russia. Lots of outstanding new figures being made there. I think toy soldier scale is still very popular there while 28mm scale wargaming has taken over in the West.

    2. Come to visit, and to us, too.

  2. Yes very sharp detail, really enjoy the blue figure (exceptional detail) with the articulated shoulders and hands look ready to hold weapons from the bits box.

    I have a King of night by the HobbiBunker production. Great figure!

    I have a King of night by the HobbiBunker production. Great figure!

  5. That is unquestionably Skyrim's Dovahkin. Hope they don't run into copyright issues with Bethesda.

  6. IF i remember correctly they had more fallout hemed figures or was it someone else. Anyway it's great work here.

  7. Yeah this company is producing some really nice figures and I will be buying some of these soon, The Orc figure is nice but is a bit thick set for me and expensive for 1 figure so I will give him a miss. Would really love to see this company do a set of Lizardmen, Goblins, Orcs in true 1/32 scale and in exciting fighting poses like the other figures they have produced, I'm sure these sets would sell well and I would certainly buy some sets.
    Regards Darren

    1. I agree about the orc. I love the quality of the sculpt, but I wish he fit in better with 45mm and 54mm human figures. He does fit well with the Games Workshop Fighting Fantasy 60mm figures.

  8. Yeah i agree Shaun but I like my figures to be strictly classic 1/32 50mm to 60mm so that all my figures go well together, The Orc is slightly over 60mm but is much to thick to fit in with my other figures. I do a lot of converting to make certain figures bigger or smaller if possible to be 1/32 scale, But I cant do anything with this orc figure, Nevermind I like all the rest of the figures by this company and I hope they keep producing great new figures and maybe some that I mentioned would be fantastic also but we shall see.
    Regards Darren

  9. Once again really nice figures coming out of Russia which seems to be the main source of Toy Soldiers these days. I think these figures look Great but i'm afraid i'm going to have a little moan. The prices are quite high per figure that are coming out of Russia which is too much for many of us, But to a certain extent i do understand why. Small company's, Short runs of figures. So i do get it. However my second and last moan is about the size of many modern figures. Ive noticed over the last few years that many figures are now 65mm or there abouts, Now almost all my figures are between 50mm and 60mm and i wish all Toy Soldier makers would keep a uniformed size of say 57mm which would keep everyone happy. Putting a 65mm figure next to a 50mm or even 54mm looks daft. So I decided a couple of years ago that i wouldn't buy anymore figures that go over 60mm. Personally i think this is a big mistake from toy soldier because i know for a fact that i'm not the only one who feels this way. So my message to any toy soldier makers out there is please make figures from 54mm to 60mm or you are going to lose a lot of sales. I know some people dont care about scales of figures but i and many others do, Its up to you.
    Regards Darren

    1. All solid points. Russia is making figures for collectors and adults and not even trying to price them for toy stores. Warhansa is right at the edge of my price range. Alliance of the Free makes even better figures, but they are way too expensive.

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