Saturday, March 1, 2025

Back from the Dead!

Photo stolen from a demon.

Hello you wonderful people, monsters and other dungeon crawlers.  I am back from my long absence. 

Around three years ago, I was diagnosed with life changing health issues.  Issues for which medical science has no effective treatments.  So, my priorities changed and I went on a personal journey of exploration to find alternative treatments and solutions.  My path turned a bit dark and eventually drew the attention of law enforcement resulting in a host of criminal charges.  My trial was an absolute circus with the prosecution recklessly tossing around terms like "atrocity" and "ritual sacrifice."  I fought the good fight in court but the deck was stacked against me.  The final result was my sad, and untimely, execution by the State.

Fortunately, my younger brother has a real talent for unspeakable acts of necromancy.  This past solstice he pulled me back from my convalescence in the grave.  Sure, I had to give him back his soul and his spell makes me cluck like a chicken whenever he says the word "burrito," but that is a small price to pay for a new lease on life.  I do mean lease as I must pay the rent every equinox and solstice from now on and eat a very restricted diet, if you know what I mean.  At least I was able to get a lot of work done while in the dirt and I will now be able to get back to regular weekly posts for the next several months.  I have a lot of new figures to catch up with.  I hope you will all enjoy. 


  1. Welcome back! Someone over at Moonbase described you as 'defunct' the other day, but I have noticed the odd new post from time to time!


  2. I'm glad I kept you bookmarked.Welcome back!I have always enjoyed this site!

  3. Glad you're back! Looking forward to new posts.

  4. Welcome back Shaun, I was wondering what happened to you and was hoping you would be back at some time, And often looked on your site to see if you had posted anything new, I thought that perhaps you had been kidnapped by an evil Wizard or Sorceress, Or had been grabbed and flown off by a Dragon? Anyway i will look forward to see what figures you have found on your travels and Adventures.
    Regards Darren

  5. So glad you are back! That's a really wild story and I'm happy you survived. And here I thought you just got bored with fantasy toy soldiers.




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